


Per Forza di Levare

On Sculpture and Violence

“Io intendo scultura, quella che si fa per forza di levare”


“I mean sculpture, that which one does by means of removal”


– Michelangelo Buonarroti –

PER FORZA DI LEVARE explores the relationship between sculpture, in its basic definition, and violence, in all its forms.

This study is the focus of my practice-based PhD in the Arts.


This website is meant as a diary, a vent for my PhD related stream of thoughts and as an excuse to practice the craft of writing. Here, reflections on various topics that I regard relevant for my research as well as a personal artistic output will be openly shared.


Disclaimer: The content of this blog presents my reflections on specific topics at the time I was writing about them. It is possible that my opinions on some subjects will evolve, and conflict with my previous views. And I hope so, as the shift of beliefs might stand for change, and maybe even progress...

®Athar Jaber 2019